Five Week Courses with Wayne Benedet
October 21 to November 21 excluding Remembrance Day
6:30-9:30 pm
Course is limited to 12 students.
Course fee: $130.00
Learn how to care for and use your camera. Explore the various settings, what they do, and how to use them. The course will begin by exploring basic camera controls and what each of them does so that participants will have a basic understanding of their functions. Then the automatic settings will be explored so that students will understand how they work. The rules of art will be explained and explored so that students will have a better understanding of how to set up pictures. Various internal settings including ISO, colour balance, focus points, metering modes, drive modes, colour space and image quality will all be presented and discussed. The presentations will include the manual settings. Students will need access to a tripod for one class which will teach about DOF and movement control. (Students will be able to share tripods).
This course is designed for people who have little or no knowledge about their camera and photography. It is intended to give you a good review of the major settings on a digital camera and how to use them. Students are required to have a camera manual and to bring the manual to each class. This course is hands on and experimental, so please be prepared to try out many options in the class. Bring your camera, have fun.
Intermediate Photography
9:00 am- 12:00 noon
Course is limited to 12 students.
Course fee: $130.00 plus workbook ($20.00)
This course is an extension of the basic photography course and is only open to students who have a good understanding of their camera and the various functions.
The course begins with a review of the camera controls and setting to ensure that students have a basic understanding. It explores the theory of exposure and the concept of EV (Exposure Value). Throughout the course, rules of art are presented and expanded upon. Participants will look at many pictures and learn to evaluate how they were taken. Learn about the f-16 rule how to use it, DOF degradation, meters and how they work, explore zoom, prime and macro lenses, angle of view, the effects of over and under exposure, what the histogram on your camera does and how to use it, filters what they do and how they work, red eye reduction, panning, use of flash on and off camera.
The content of this course is experimental. Participants are expected to complete assigned experiments each week and to present the results in the class. The intent of the process is to help students learn form each other. If time permits, students will have an opportunity to do a short field trip or studio lighting class.
Studio and Macro
1:30-4:30 pm
Course is limited to 8 students.
Course fee: $180.00
This course is designed for people who want to lean about lighting in a studio and how to do macro photography in a studio setting. All of the macro concepts learned in the studio are applicable to other settings. Only students who have an excellent understanding of cameras and lenses or who have taken the Intermediate Photography course are encouraged to attend. Because of the equipment requirements the class is limited to eight students. (An equipment use fee and damage deposit is required). The studio will be available for students to book between classes.
Learn about the different kinds of light and safety precautions, light ratios and portraiture. Explore the various lighting configurations. Participants will use a basic portable light set up, but the course will explore more advanced settings. Flash, tungsten and fluorescent light will all be used.
Once students have a basic understanding of how to light a scene in a studio settings, the course will explore macro photography, lenses, extension tubes, lens reversal techniques. Some equipment may be available to students depending upon their camera. The class will also explore ways of taking macro pictures with readily available resources.